Theme Verse

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
-Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

"Ya te lo he ordenado: ¡Sé fuerte y valiente! ¡No tengas miedo ni te desanimes! Porque el SEÑOR tu Dios te acompañará dondequiera que vayas."
-Josué 1:9 (NVI)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

On Tuesday I start student teaching. I'm excited and a little nervous, which I suppose is expected. I finished mini-teaching (which is a mini version of student teaching) a week ago, and it was a good experience in which I learned a lot. Part of me feels ready to teach, to actually try out what I've been learning for the past three years. Part of me feels completely unprepared and terrified to go interact with high schoolers all day. To be called by my last name and call teachers by their first names. To come up with lesson plans and grade things and assign homework and talk basically all day. And then come home for a couple hours before going to class again. Lord help!

But I am excited, really. A lot of exciting things are happening. I'm getting married in four months minus 3 days(!). My husband-to-be has a job already lined up, in my hometown area. Wedding plans are coming along (that's a difficult question to answer, by the way. When people ask how are wedding plans coming, I usually answer "They're coming," because it's a difficult thing to really pin down...). I LOVE my creative writing senior seminar class; it's a great group of people and I'm getting to write fiction again. I have a great roommate and friends to play games and watch movies with (yes we are very cool).

And in two days I get to practice being a real teacher! Here we go!