Theme Verse

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
-Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

"Ya te lo he ordenado: ¡Sé fuerte y valiente! ¡No tengas miedo ni te desanimes! Porque el SEÑOR tu Dios te acompañará dondequiera que vayas."
-Josué 1:9 (NVI)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Finals, Excursion, and the Beginning of the End

Here is something I'll bet you didn't know about Costa Ricans: they really like fried chicken. No joke! They even have fried chicken at McDonald's. So we eat it at my house fairly often, or at least a lot more often than I'm used to. That doesn't say much though, because I hardly ever ate fried chicken growing up. And therefore, I really have no idea how I'm supposed to eat it. The drumsticks I can handle pretty well. But the other parts? It's a mystery to me, and I'm sure I look pretty ridiculous eating it. But oh well. We had fried chicken tonight for dinner, which is why I mention it.

But on to other things. This week was busy, but now it is over! I think my tests went pretty well, my anthropology presentation went well, and I got decent grades on my term papers. And now I am done with school for the semester! Crazy, huh? It's not even Thanksgiving. All I have left to do is go pick up my grades next week. See, here they have what they call "Entrega de promedios," which is when you just show up to the class and the teacher gives you your tests and other things back and gives you your grade for the semester. So I have to go pick up my Spanish, Literature, and Expression grades next week, but otherwise I'm done. ¡Gracias a Dios!

Today I went on an excursion with some of the ISEP students. There were only 9 of us, but it was really fun. We went to a botanical gardens at this biological research and conservation center in Turrialba. The botanical garden part was really cool, and we saw some amazing flowers and trees. Honestly, God's imagination is astounding. Then we went to see the conservation part, which wasn't quite as cool. This guy talked a lot about seeds and how they store them and stuff. It was kind of boring. But then we had cafecito and some really yummy cake things. And the day overall was really fun and interesting.

Well, that about brings us up-to-date. I'm planning to write a bit more often this week and tell some random things about Costa Rica and stuff like that, since I don't have a whole lot to do. :) But good night for now!

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