Theme Verse

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
-Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

"Ya te lo he ordenado: ¡Sé fuerte y valiente! ¡No tengas miedo ni te desanimes! Porque el SEÑOR tu Dios te acompañará dondequiera que vayas."
-Josué 1:9 (NVI)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Roller Coasters

Two years ago, my family and I spent a week in Disney World in Orlando, FL. Now, I've always been scared of riding roller coasters and other intense rides, because I hate rides that only have a lap bar that sort of lifts up when you're falling, so that you feel like you're going to fall out of your seat. In other words, I hate not feeling safe. But as this was Disney World, and because my younger siblings were going on every ride, I decided to go on every ride we got in line for, even if I was scared (the exception being the Spinning Teacups one day, because I felt nauseous just watching them). And I had a blast! There were some rides I hated (Rock 'n' Roller Coaster) and others that I loved and did twice (Tower of Terror). And much to my surprise, I realized that it is possible to be scared and have fun at the same time.

You're probably asking, why am I talking about roller coasters and Disney World in my blog about Costa Rica? Don't worry, I'm getting there.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think fear is something that everyone deals with, in one way or another. I know that I do, and I've especially been fighting it during this whole process of applying and getting ready to go to Costa Rica. The enormity of what I am trying to do has at times crashed over me and several times almost prevented me from even filling out the applications. But through praying, listening to some good songs, and reminding myself of God's promises, here I am, just 2 1/2 weeks away from leaving.

I'm currently in a Beth Moore Bible study with some girls my age. Last week we talked about fear, and I learned some things that have really encouraged me over the last week. I learned that we will experience fear, and that the Enemy will play chicken with us, threatening to hit us head on. But if we "hold unswervingly to the hope we profess", the Enemy will swerve, because "[God] is faithful" (Hebrews 10:23). So what if we're afraid? God doesn't always take away our fear. Sometimes He wants us to do what He commands anyway: to do it scared.

So here I am now, facing a giant roller coaster called Costa Rica. And even though I'm scared, with God's help I am going to get on.


  1. Hey Holly I LOVE the way you write I am excited to follow your adventure. Praying for your spanish that you would be confident and not fear making mistakes while you speak...just try your best. Be confident in your ability with your will have a life changing experience GOD BLESS

  2. Wow, I totally understand what you are going through. My flight leaves tomorrow.

    I didn't think that I would be so scared before I left, but I guess I am. It's all the what if questions crashing on me (what if I don't get along with the people there, what if I don't have all the right forms in, etc). But I'm very excited too.

    Also, way to beat me at getting a blog going. I'm just starting to work on it today.

  3. I miss blogging about my life changing adventure. Blog every chance you get lady. I'll be reading and praying. <3
